Dec 18, 2008


I got a new cricut font(storybook) and had to play with it. i just wanted to make an owl and then the next thing i new i was doing a LO, with nothing in mind just the fun of creating, Has that ever happened to you where you just want to creat and it comes with no thought? well i went with the flow and this is the LO. well i dont have any pic's to go with this so thought how fun it might be to gift it to someone. The photo mats are not attcahed so you can ajust them in any possition that suits you, i just laid them on for scanning...... SO all you have to do is leave me a comment here and on Jan.1st i will draw a lucky lady and then send it to you. please check back to my blog on Jan.1st to see if your the lucky one.(on that day i then i will need an addy from the winner)
thanks for checkin me out and good luck, hope you all have a lovely holiday!

another RAK

I got a new cricut font "storybook" and made these darling embellishments and i was just playing for the fun of it and thought i'd share .. these are not attached to the cardstack shown, they are loose so you can add them to any project. all you have to do is leave me a comment here and on Jan.1. i will draw a name .. so leave me a comment and remember to check back to my blog on the Jan.1st to see if your are the lucky one. thanks for takeing a look.

Dec 3, 2008

It's a wonderful Christmas Time

I've been really getting into the joy of the holiday... what about you.. wishing you joy and cheer, I've been doing a 25 days of christmas album and taken pic's everyday... here are a few i've taken so far...

Dec 1, 2008

The Frist Day of Christmas....

Hope your Holiday is off to a good start today.... I've been a busy little bee, i got all the decoration up in the house and cards addressed and even a few mailed off and a few packages mailed as well.... I still have some shoping to do and a few gifts yet to make, and wraping of coruse. I bought a new scrapbook just for christmas i plan to take lots of pic's this year... oh and i have two birthday parties to plan my oldest will be 18 on Dec 24th and my son 5 on Dec 10th..

Nov 28, 2008

First lost tooth

my son lost his frist tooth on the morning of thanksgiving how cool is that!! we talked about the tooth fairy comming and takeing his tooth and leaveing him money.. So this morning when he wakes up he checks to see if the tooth fairy had come and sure enough she did and left him a 50 cent piece he wanted me to open it so he could eat it. he thought it was a chocolate coin, i told him it was "Real money" he was disapointed and said he wanted to eat it... i explained that it was real and he could buy something with it, all excited he said can i buy candy money momma? LOL my silly kid.. all he wants is a chocolate coin .. i should have gotten him some .. who would have known.... Hope everyone had a wonderful thanksgiving...

Nov 27, 2008


just one i did recently for a challenge at scraobookdreamers
also my first time useing a owl i love the look may need to find somemore!!

Nov 17, 2008

one sheet wonder

look what i made useing only one sheet of patterened paper!!
a layout, altered cany tin, gift card box with 4 matching gift cards, and 4 tags.

Sep 12, 2008

A stoy of inspration

some of you may remember that last year i was working very hard to lose wight i was at my heavest (only last year) 262 pounds i had tried everything for years, for you that like pic's LOL (we all do) here are few pic's of me at about my largest wieght though there werent many pic's, untill i decides to lose it, then i kinda documented. the last one is taken of me last week at my lowest wieght since i was a teen. altogether i have lost 72 pounds in one year and i am under 200 ponds and thrilled to say i am a size 14 in most things, sometime i have to go to a 16 depending on the style. i still have 48 or so more pounds to go to be at my ideal wieght, it still comming off but at a bit of a slower rate. I know with out dought i will reach my goal.. and be a healthier happier person because i already am!!! if you are intrested i would happily share HOW i did it ... not sergery just me and my will power ....

Jan 17, 2008

if you've been taged by me.. see rules here ..

Anita tagged me so here goes.
Answer all the questions and then add one yourself at the bottom, then tag some people.

1. Name your 2 favorite scrapbooking topics: My family, and the beach

2. What are the 2 best places you've been to? gonna say the beach and a grand adventure i have yet done!! (but have plans to hehehehe)

3. Name 2 things you do every day: Go online, and talk on the phone

4. Tell us 2 things that pretty much everyone knows about you: I'm a momma, and i scrap book

5. 2 places you wish to visit: well i'd love to go on a cross country road trip and just see all the sites along the way

6. 2 things you may not know about me are: I'm a huge dreamer and i write poetry

7. 2 nicknames you've had at some time in your life: Hummm wellll....... you asked... I'm known well in my scrapping world as "The Hooch" hahah long story but yes many know me by that nic nam, really the name doesnt say much to my persnality but it seem to fit somehow HAHah.
and a couple others are; McGee mostly i was called that as a child, only people who knew as a young kid still call me that. and honey,

8. Name 2 of your favorite drinks: tea. and water

9. Janet's question: What are 2 interesting (in a good or bad way) jobs you’ve had in your life? I worked in a bead store and taught bead classes a ver fun job.. and i was a manager of apartment complexs we lived at for about 8 years. also a job i liked.

10. Cheri's question: Name 2 resolutions you've either already broken or 2 that you've kept so far. I try not to make any, not my thing seems i could just set my mind to anything and make it happen no matter the time of year.

11. Jen's question: If you could be any age you wanted to be what would it be? I'd say 33 ... i loved being 33 and plus i have a starnge love for the number "3"

12. Melanie's question: What is your favorite holiday and why? I'm goin with christmas, i enjoy winter and i love the smiles happy children.

anita's question: If you could go back and relive one day of your life, what day would it be? hummmm..... not sure i'd want any do over's but i'd love to live a day not yet lived ... one i only dream of.

Anna's question: do you perfer a sunset or a sunrise and why? I love a sunrise it always remineds me of a new start and a fresh begining of some thing brand new.